Sale price$79.95


Performance and reliability is crucial while adventure riding. When manufacturing the new CF Moto 450MT Filter cartridge, we aimed to address any possible shortcomings of the standard filter and craft a filter that could withstand the dust, debris and other harsh elements that come with long-distance adventure riding with minimal surface intervals.
In addition to our Pyramid profile foam found across the entire FWF range, the filter boasts a host of Adventure-specific features:
The filter cartridge has ample rigidity allowing for easy installation and strong support within the air box, while retaining regular flexibility for ease of cleaning and oiling.
Neoprene gasket ensures an air-tight seal, allowing no dirt or debris to enter the airbox.

The outer pyramid profiled foam layer provides an increased surface area to trap and hold far more dust than conventional foam enabling a longer period between service intervals without restricting airflow.


  • Trap and hold more dust on the outside surface of the filter
  • Maintain optimal air flow by spreading dust build over an increased surface area.
  • Enable longer filter service intervals.

Foam Profile:

  • Designed and manufactured in Australia, utilising the latest technologies in open cell foam 3D profiling, the pyramid profile of the foam effectively doubles the filters outside surface area without increasing its overall size.  
  • Compared with conventional air filter foam, the pyramid profiled foam will:
  • Provide a 100% larger surface area
  • Trap dust evenly over the increased outside surface area of the filter vastly increasing the filters dust holding capacity.
  • Maintain optimal airflow by spreading trapped dust over an increased surface area

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